Workspaces can be used to create a collection of entity data that can be managed in one place


What are Workspaces?

A workspace is a centralized location where you can manage accounting records from multiple entities at once. Think of it as a hub that lets you bring together data from various sources.

Example: If you're running a parent company with several subsidiaries, each with their own chart of accounts, you can use a Workspace to aggregate accounting data from all of them.

After you’ve connected the data sources for each of your subsidiaries in Translucent, you and other users that you invite can access and view all the financial information for the entire parent company from within the Workspace.

Setting up multiple Workspaces

You can create and connect to multiple Workspaces, which can be useful if you're managing several clients. Each workspace operates independently, so the data within one workspace is not accessible from another.

Example: Let's say you're an accountant working with multiple clients. You can create a separate Translucent workspace for each client and invite their CFO to access their respective workspace. This way, each client only sees their own data and information, and you can easily switch between workspaces to streamline your work.

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